Mascoutah Athletic Booster Club – Closest to the Pin
Mascoutah Athletic Booster Club
Mascoutah Athletic Booster Club
Ken and Connie Kilian – Class of ’79 and Class of ’83 Have a great event! Go Indians!
Kevin & Malia Jackson Have a great tournament (as always) … and please pass a very warm aloha to all our dear friends. Miss y’all and best regards, Kevin
We are pleased to announce that Jenny’s Catering owned and operated by Bob Schweiger (Skootr’s and Gold Sponsor) is the Lunch Sponsor and will be providing lunches for this years event. Jenny’s Catering is a new […]
We are pleased to support and be part of the MCHS Alumni and Friends Scholarship Golf Tournament. We wish you a great event!
Sheryl Vega Melton – Class of 1977 – Proud to support the Mascoutah Alumni and Friends Scholarship! Go Indians!