Daustin Hoelscher
2017 Recipient
2018 Update:

JEEZ, college is hard. Everyone says it, but I did not fully understand what they meant until I was in the midst of my second semester at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T). Learning to set forth into the world on your own, juggle school , extracurricular activities, and keeping up with friends and family is strange coming from the itinerary that accompanied high school. I’m not complaining though, because with great challenges come great rewards. I will be starting my sophomore year at Missouri S&T studying computer engineering; this is exciting because I’ll actually be learning content of interest, instead of those pesky, but necessary, general education classes.
I mentioned extracurricular activities earlier, in which I’m fairly involved, serving as the Secretary for the Missouri S&T Makerspace. For those that don’t know, a Makerspace is a place where students can work on their personal projects using the tools and equipment that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to (neat, right?). My personal projects there include setting up a 3D printer computer network, developing new organizational methods, and some other odds n’ ends things. While I did say college was hard, it’s also extremely fun, as you probably remember from your own college experience. My favorite past-times on campus include playing video games with friends, hanging out with others in my dorm, and taking walks to clear my mind. I can’t wait to start my sophomore year and continue my education at Missouri S&T.
In my personal life, I’m enjoying the summer working at the Mascoutah Community School District as a summer computer technician and doing other computer-related jobs around town both for individuals and businesses. It’s always good to have some time off, however, most of which I’ve spent on a vacation to the Smokey Mountains with my family. Additionally, we will be taking a trip to St. Thomas which will be my first time out of the states! I’m super excited and am looking forward to the quality family time. My two brothers, Lane (junior in high school) and Trenton (third grader at MES) have also been intrepid companions on my summer journey, constantly wanting to throw the ball, go bowling, or embark on other adventures (both real-world and online). I’m looking forward to spending the rest of the summer with my family continuing these journeys and further developing my relationships with my siblings. Overall, I’m satisfied with my college experience, and very thankful for the MCHS Alumni organization for helping me reach my goals.