Kristen (Beimfohr) Schuhardt
2010 Inaugural Recipient
2018 Update:

While preparing for my most recent “Where are they now?” post, I read my past three entries. It seems that the reoccurring theme is how quickly time truly does fly. When I last wrote an update, I had just finished my first year of teaching at O’Fallon Township High School. Now, I am about to enter my fifth year. As I’ve maintained in my previous entries, becoming an English teacher has always been my dream. I’m lucky to get to wake up and go to a job every day that I love. My students and colleagues make OTHS a special place to be. I’ll always be an Indian at heart, but I can regularly be seen wearing blue and gold to support my Panthers as well! I also am currently finishing my Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction through Olivet Nazarene University. The school has an excellent Education Graduate program, and it’s been refreshing to learn about more teaching strategies I can utilize in my classroom.
In personal news, I recently celebrated my first wedding anniversary. My husband, Todd, and I were married on March 25th of 2017, and we are currently in the process of building a home right on the Belleville/Freeburg border. It’s been extremely exciting and very stressful, but I can’t wait to be in our new home this fall! When I’m not teaching or stressing over flooring and countertop choices, I love to read and spend time with my family, friends, and spoiled dog, Bella.
Although some parts of high school seem like a lifetime away, I will always vividly remember accepting the “giant check” on Honors night and becoming one of the two inaugural recipients, and I’m thrilled to hear that so many other MCHS students have now been able to benefit from this amazing organization as well!
2015 Update:

While it’s hard to believe, it has been five years since I graduated from MCHS and received this scholarship. It’s also been over a year since I graduated from SIUE with a Bachelor’s Degree in English. I am incredibly happy to report that I finished my first year of teaching in May. During my last semester of college, I completed my student teaching at O’Fallon Township High School. While there, a position in the English department opened. I was incredibly lucky to secure a teaching position before graduating. While Mascoutah will always be my home, I absolutely love OTHS and am looking forward to a long career in the school district.
As of now, I am enjoying my first summer break of my teaching career, but I do have plans to work on my Master’s in the next couple of months. When I’m not preparing lessons for the classroom or grading essays, I still enjoy reading or spending time with my family and friends. Being an English teacher is everything I hoped it would be, and I can honestly say that I know this career is for me. I am still extremely grateful for receiving this scholarship as it helped me earn the degree I needed, and I can’t thank everyone involved enough.
2013 Update:

I am currently preparing to enter my senior year at SIUE and I couldn’t be more excited. These past few years have been an overwhelming, crazy ride but I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I am still beyond overjoyed that I passed the screening process this semester. I also have now officially made the Dean’s List at SIUE for the fourth semester, which is a huge accomplishment for me and a reassurance that my hard work has paid off. In passing the screening process, I am now officially accepted into the English Secondary Education program and am on track to graduate in the spring of 2014. This summer and fall I will be taking classes, and next spring I will be student teaching full time. As I get closer and closer to getting my degree, I am constantly reassured that I am in the right field. It won’t be long before I am in my first high school classroom on my own!
Since I have been taking as many courses as possible every semester in order to finish in four years, I have had to cut back my hours at work for the time being. I am still a waitress/manager at d.s. Vespers Sports Pub and Eatery or The Edge, as most people know it. I try to work at least 15 hours a week without completely losing my mind. Besides school and work, I have tried to become involved with the English Education organization on campus. It has definitely helped to become familiar with students in the same situation as me.
It’s hard to believe it’s already been three years since I was so lucky to receive this scholarship. I can only imagine the next year is going to fly by. I’m looking forward to enjoying my last year as a college student before reentering the classroom as an educator on my own.
2012 Update:

I recently finished my sophomore year at Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville. I am an English major with a Speech Communication Education minor. My dream is to become a High School Communications teacher. Since an educational degree requires an extra semester of student teaching, I have been taking additional summer courses at Southwestern Illinois College in order to complete my degree in 4 years, instead of 4-1/2. While it has been a very busy two years, I am excited to be at such a great school working towards the career I have always dreamed of having.
While there are many nights devoted to reading (the challenges of an English major), I work about 20 to 25 hours a week as a waitress/manager at Belleville’s D.S. Vespers Sports Pub and Eatery or as many know it, The Edge. When I am not busy with school or work, I try to volunteer with Mascoutah High School’s girls track team. Track was my favorite sport in high school and I enjoy helping when I can. When I have free time I am usually running, shopping, or hanging out with my friends and family.
Life is very hectic right now but I cannot wait to graduate and become a teacher!